The change: what's going on.

This was taken on my last visit to Mt. Iwaki just before I left Hirosaki earlier this month. I knew I wouldn't summit the old girl, but I wanted to get to at least the Devil's Ring before turning back. The Devil's Ring is the most photographic spot on the mountain in my opinion.
I didn't feel too sentimental that day. I really didn't feel like it'd be my last encounter up there. A couple of days later I went down to Tokyo, leaving behind my girlfriend and her wonderful family, who put me up for my last ten days in Hirosaki.

I only know Shinjuku, Ueno and Minami Senju when I'm in Tokyo, so I stuck to what I knew. This is Shinjuku.
The Caravan:

I now live with my mom in a trailer. Not quite, but it sounds quite funny in an Eminemish way. I live at my Mum's in the garden in a caravan. It's more like a bedroom than anything else, and I'm in the process of knocking up a patio for a table and chairs, BBQ set up outside. It should be really nice when it's done. Hopefully, by the time me and Aki get married we should be looking for somewhere else.

Early walk across a misty Canwick golf course.

This is the big tree in Canwick, so big it's been cordoned off for safety reasons. It's a monster.
The following trees are all on the golf course.

There are some lovely poppy-like flowers in mum's garden right now. Bright red, and more on the way.

And lastly, Grace Aoife Winn, my brother and his missus' new bairn. She's a little darling and she makes life more interesting than it would be otherwise. When she cries she's a little bugger though, but mostly she's just pure entertainment.

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