New camera and new fruit
We've had a spring clean in the Winn household this week. Out with the old and in with the new: laptop, camera, strawberries, tomatoes, raspberries, broccoli and one wild mushroom.
The evidence is clear:

This literally popped up overnight. It wasn't there yesterday, but stands at 6-7" this evening. Don't know what it is, and there's no way I'd eat it lest it send me crazy.

Only about a week to go until the first strawberries come into readiness. They need all the protection they can get when they're as bright red and juicy looking as they are now. The birds can spot them among the greenery now.

The Christmas tree mum gave me last year is looking good. It's growing in a peculiar way and looks really really frizzy.

I've already had a few raspberries. There's nothing like a bowl of raspberries with plain yogurt and honey. Something to look forward to. Not enough there yet to take home though.

All the hard work is evidently beginning to pay off on the brassica bed. There's sign of life on the broccoli plants and all the sprouts are looking sweet. The cabbages are starting to rose up and the chard is great. We had it with our pasta this evening.

The tomato plants smell good and they're going to be ready soon enough. I like them when they're just beginning to take shape.

This little monkey eats her fair share of the goods. She had just finished her evening shift and was in a playful mood.
The evidence is clear:

This literally popped up overnight. It wasn't there yesterday, but stands at 6-7" this evening. Don't know what it is, and there's no way I'd eat it lest it send me crazy.

Only about a week to go until the first strawberries come into readiness. They need all the protection they can get when they're as bright red and juicy looking as they are now. The birds can spot them among the greenery now.

The Christmas tree mum gave me last year is looking good. It's growing in a peculiar way and looks really really frizzy.

I've already had a few raspberries. There's nothing like a bowl of raspberries with plain yogurt and honey. Something to look forward to. Not enough there yet to take home though.

All the hard work is evidently beginning to pay off on the brassica bed. There's sign of life on the broccoli plants and all the sprouts are looking sweet. The cabbages are starting to rose up and the chard is great. We had it with our pasta this evening.

The tomato plants smell good and they're going to be ready soon enough. I like them when they're just beginning to take shape.

This little monkey eats her fair share of the goods. She had just finished her evening shift and was in a playful mood.
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