Friday and still nothing going on

I'm really bored today. I've been sat around all week waiting for yesterday's school trip, which was cancelled due to the heavy rain; and then today's classes, which in turn have been cancelled due to some other wet and miserable reason. I've managed to get a good bit of language study time in, though, and last night I myself started to notice a bit of an improvement in my speaking ability (at Japanese club, that is). It's funny, you know, the Japanese language. I was out on Wednesday night with the gang from the English conversation club, and one of the elders was saying how she noticed a qualitative change in herself when she used English as to when she spoke in Japanese. She asked me if I had the reverse experience when speaking Japanese, and I didn't really know what to say. I suppose, thinking about it, I become a bit more of a creep when I speak Japanese, or at least I do when I'm in the office. I don't know what it is about the office, because it's a place that's full of folks I really don't have much time for, bar some good individuals of course, but even still I end up brown-nosing Japanese rather than actually speaking it, or communicating it. I suppose it's because I have some deep-seated desire to be accepted, and find that through being submissive at least I'm not getting in anybody's way. I literally feel like the office creep sometimes, repeating hai, hai, hai, hai, hai... all the time, as if that was all I knew how to say. Saying that, I'm not submissive at all at Japanese club, so I suppose it all comes down to who you're talking to and what it is you're talking about.
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