Cracking day on Hakkoda

This is Iwaki viewed from Hakkoda yesterday. I was lucky enough to get my first bluebird yesterday, with it being about my tenth trip to Hakkoda mountain this season. The snow kept in good shape for the most part of the day since the routes down the mountain are west/south-west facing, but the bottom did get a little heavy toward the end of the day after a good dose of sunshine. The temperature stayed at around -4 to -6, so it was cold enough to hold out. Enough about the snow, here are some photos from the mountain.

Actually this was taken from the really tall bridge on the 394 driving back to Hirosaki via Kuroishi. And the one below.

It was a long way down to the bottom, and I had to get close to the edge for a shot without without the railing in the viewfinder.

This is my favourite because it shows both Iwaki and the Shirakami Sanchi in the background. The Shirakami sanchi is a national park with monkeys and bears and all sorts, but in the winter it's pretty much inaccessable.
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