Anyone looking for an insight into the twentieth century history of American warfare should take time to watch The Fog of War. Probably the best war documentary I've ever seen, regardless of it being the only one I've ever seen. I must admit that I have watched four movies this week, the other three of which have been down right awful. But standing on it's own, The Fog of War is gripping, informative, emotional and important. Although it is little more than an interview with the man who played a key role in the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the role of Secretary of Defense during the Vietnam war, the accompanying footage makes a visual spectacle of American military history from the the First World War up until the early 1970s. The thing I found refreshing about The Fog of War was that a voice as bassy and as full of clout as Robert McNamara's continues to warn us of the ever-present dangers of nuclear annihilation when some idiots in power centres around the world are now talking of actually expanding the role of nuclear weaponry in modern day warfare. I needn't mention any names.
For those who have little knowledge of what happened to the Japanese during the Second World War, this movie gives it to you in sharp, powerful figures and imagery. I'd reccomend it to anyone. You can see that McNamara himself is on the verge of bursting into tears most of the way through the interview.
This post is also inspired by the coincidental fact that not only Tuesday did I watch the movie, but the Guardian, which I read everyday, today decided to stick a front page article written about the guy himself on it's web-edition. I'm getting a bit freaked out by all these coincidental happenings. Or are they not coincidental at all? Am I just in dire need of some food to re-calibrate my mind?
Anyhoo, I'll leave you with another image of the kind of nastiness we're talking about.

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