Saturday, July 03, 2004

Anshin Shimashita!!

I went on the mountain again today, but didn't go all the way to the top because it looked too dodgey at about quarter way up the snow pack. I considered being a hero for five minutes, just until an old Ojisan came up the mountain behind me and shook his head at me after a quick scan of the area. He wasn't going to risk the crumbling snowpack so neither was I. He was dressed in semi-ninja gear and split toe boots. He looked the biz. I was a bit disappointed because I wanted to try out my new crampons. I actually used them for about 20 yards and they seemed fairly ineffective. I only payed 1500 for them anyway. I also noticed that today I didn't really get too exhausted until I got close to the top of the treeline. This must be because my body is slowly getting used to the regular weekend hikes.

Last night I went to the guvner's farewell party in Aomori. It was fairly good to tell you the truth, although I ended up losing my camera at the end of the night. All's good, however, as I got a lead on it's whereabouts this afternoon from Alec who told me to give a guy called Marvin in Nanbu a call. It turns out he picked it up at the end of the night and he's going to stick it in the post, good fella! The funny thing is that when I got to the dinner I checked my camera to find that I'd left the battery at home anyway!! BAKA!! We went to a little Izikaya after the guvner's do, where I sat drinking whiskies with Alec and Anne. I can't remember what we talked about because I ended up getting quite ratted. I got a lift back with Rod and Steve.

Tonight me and Aki are going to an all Asian restaurant in Hirosaki. After that we'll probably come back and watch a vid or something like that.