Climbing in the Peak ピーク国立公園でクライミングについて

Peak grit is like nothing i've ever layed my mits on so far. Super grippy and full of volume, with the occasional crimp thrown in for good measure, the bouldering areas I've visited in the Peak have been great days out and have taught me just how weak a climber I still am. ピーク国立公園の岩場は厳しいぜ。でも,とても楽しいです。

A huge garden of boulders. でかい石のある庭。

Another great thing about the Peak is that you climb in the company of sheep. Thousands of the little furry things surround you as you climb. The negative side of this of course is that they go to the toilet wherever they please and very often they seem to favour the landing areas of some good problems. 羊ですね。こういう動物はピークには多いから羊のウンチに気をつけて下さいね。

The road home. 帰ろう!