More Sun in Lincolnshire

More sun, but more importantly than that I had a birthday and got myself some new runners. You may not be aware, but I've got pretty keen on running lately, and I'm doing quite a bit of off-road/cross country stuff. The shoes I'm sporting in this shot are Asics Moriko, and they did me proud yesterday when we went to the beach for the day. I went running southwards along the Lincolnshire coastline and was only deterred and redirected north by the sight of Ingoldmells' large metal and concrete entertainment complex in the distance. What a blot on the landscape it is, among all the charm of relatively clean beaches and chalets lined along the waterfront.

I told Aki she had to open her mind to traditional British seaside culture......

....and look what she did to me!

We had a good time lying around on the sand. We went for a walk and found some pretty cool sand dunes to mess around in.

This week I should find out whether I've got an interview with the local Youth Offending Team or not. I've been gearing up for it for quite some time, getting involved in voluntary work and undergoing training. I'm really keen on getting into this line of work, but I get the feeling it's quite competitive now. The work is really interesting, and though I'd only be carrying out basic duties as a sessional worker, I would be able to apply for full time positions further down the line after getting enough experience. Fingers crossed.